Webinar 19th of November 2019 | 14:00 -14:45
Simple yet powerful cyber security hygiene in the vast cyber ecosystem

Cyber security hygiene is often compared to personal hygiene. Much like an individual engages in certain personal hygiene practices to maintain good health, engaging in cyber hygiene within a company extremely reduces the risk of a data breach and increases cybersecurity posture.

Surprisingly while there are numerous threats and vulnerabilities with each piece of the digital puzzle, just practicing basic cyber hygiene can minimize the risk to encounter most of them.

In fact, there are a FEW KEY practices that can dramatically improve the company’s security posture without a complex and expensive solution!

Discover powerful yet simple practices of cyber security hygiene

Discover the basic cyber security hygiene practices your organization should have in place to drastically reduce the risks exposure with Hermitage Solutions on the 19th of November. Join our interactive webinar to listen and discuss:

  • What is cybersecurity hygiene and why it is often overlooked by organizations?
  • What are the minimal cyber security measures that significantly reduce IT security risks?
  • DEMO: effective ways to ensure cyber security hygiene with Keeper, Yubico and iStorage

* During the webinar we’ll touch on topics such as secure password management, two-factor authentication, secure data storage and encryption. Don’t forget to reserve your seat!

Who should attend?

Data Protection Officers, IT Security Managers and Professionals, Cyber Security Consultants, business owners and other data security stakeholders.
