


Centrify is the industry leader in Gartner PAM & Forrester PIM. The company empowers customers with a cloud-ready Zero Trust Privilege approach to secure access to infrastructure, DevOps, cloud, containers, Big Data and other modern enterprise use cases. The company’s head office in Santa Clara, CA.

Centrify solutions


Privileged Access Service – secure privileged user accounts and administrative access via jump box, workflow-driven access requests and approvals as well as multi-factor-authentication (MFA) at the vault.


Authentication Service – allows properly verifying who requests privileged access.


Privilege Elevation Service – minimizes the risk exposure to cyber-attacks caused by individuals with too much privilege.


Audit And Monitoring Service – enable companies to do a comprehensive audit.

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Key takeaways how businesses can benefit from Centrify


  • It safeguards the privileged accounts to secure the key IT systems, necessary for the smooth running of the organization;
  • It helps to achieve IT compliance by employing effortless management of privileged user access;
  • It analyzes the activities of privileged accounts to gain deep insights by using session recordings.

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