Webinar 18th of July 2017 | 13:00-14:00
Essential Controls for High Performing IT Teams

The velocity of modern IT is breathtaking. While many IT teams struggle with monthly releases, large organizations deploy code into production tens, hundreds, and even thousands of times per day. Quickly testing and delivering valuable updates helps businesses meet customer demands. However, this DevOps approach to code change can bypass security entirely, accidentally or by design – distressing information security pros and auditors.
In this edition of Tripwire Tuesdays special guest, award-winning CTO, researcher and author, Gene Kim will be presenting key findings of 17 years’ worth of research on high performing IT organizations. This includes prescriptive patterns of how information security can best integrate into the daily work of R&D and Ops. Tripwire’s VP of Product Management and Strategy Tim Erlin will be joining as well, chatting with Gene about the future of change management and how DevOps and security teams are now actively collaborating as peers.
Tim and Gene will discuss case studies that show how DevOps succeeds in large, complex organizations such as General Electric, Raytheon, Capital One, Disney, and Nordstrom. In almost every industry, organizations are replicating the same groundbreaking approach and succeeding.

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