


Conpal is a manufacturer and provider of solutions in the field of IT security with a focus on encryption, endpoint security, authentication and secure identities. The company‘s headquarters in Dornhofstr, Germany.

Conpal solutions


LAN Crypt automatically encrypts files or directory contents for secure storage or for confidential transport, regardless of the target system (local hard disk, external storage device, network share, etc.). To protect confidential files effectively, the solution uses an automatic file encryption process. Learn more >>>


CerbalOn Crypto Extension adds encryption and digital signature function modules to application environments. This means that documents and files can be digitally signed and stored or archived in encrypted form in the course of processing. Learn more >>>


Other solutions: secure identities via single sign-on; strong two-factor authentication via smart cards and tokens; port control on endpoint devices. Learn more >>>

Key takeaways how businesses can benefit from Conpal


  • Helps easily implement role-based access control across organizations;
  • Can secure files wherever they travel, therefore, help with GDPR compliance.

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